HT-stories Podcast
This podcast provides you with inspiring interviews with people who care about their passion projects and bring about change. Who share their creative ideas, mindful contributions and their knowledge with us. Every month a new edition will be published. Enjoy and stay curious!
4 episodes
Ich will etwas verändern. Interview mit Andrea Voß-Frick, Mitgründerin der Grassroot Bewegung Maria 2.0
Die Missstände bei der Aufarbeitung der Missbrauchsfälle in der katholischen Kirche, mehr Mitspracherecht und Zugang zu allen kirchlichen Ämtern, mehr Raum für Spiritualität, Kirche, die alle mit gestalten sind die Forderungen der Bewegung Mari...
Interview with fashion and change expert Bianca Stäglich (Stilfrage)
Bianca has been working in the fashion industry for 11 years consulting mainly women who want to get back to their professional jobs after a maternity leave or generally women who want to show themselves the way they are and how they feel. Unde...